21 November 2005

Smoke free homes campaign launched

Protecting children from the effects of passive smoking is the focus of a new campaign being launched in the East End of Glasgow today. The Smoke Free Homes scheme will aim to encourage more parents to sign a pledge to ban smoke from the family home.

Source: Scottish TV (21 November 2005)


At 21/11/05 18:26, Blogger Ade Brown said...

This is the first ripple of the next wave of bans. The puritans are not above a little psychological warfare to further their fascistic campaign against smokers, and what better than to follow mentor Adolf by getting at people through their children?

We know their [mis]use of statistics has bred an uninformed hysteria typical of a "Health Scare"; the constant bombardment of taxpayer-funded propaganda is aiming low. Having created, magnified and perpetuated this climate of fear, they know that the majority of people will unquestioningly accept whatever "protections" the rulers wish to impose against the imaginary threat that is "passive smoking".

At 21/11/05 20:36, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is nonsense.....Not only can I now be discriminated against when applying for a job because I'm a smoker but now, they can decide whether or not I get a house!

Mind you, I don't have kids so they would probably have left me sleeping in my cardboard box anyway!

At 23/11/05 18:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a pity all these busybodies can't be found proper gainful employment any suggestions?


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