23 January 2006

"Let's have a smoke-a-thon"

Oscar-winning playwright Ronald Harwood has come out in support of actor Johnny Depp's suggestion of a smoke-a-thon in protest against a public smoking ban. "Let's do it," the former president of both English and International PEN said. "Let's all turn up in Trafalgar Square and have a huge smoke-a-thon. That'll show them."

Source: FOREST Online (23 January 2006)


At 23/1/06 22:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A smoke-a-thon in Trafalgar Square? What a wonderful idea; I agree we smokers are far too passive, so count me in!

At 24/1/06 15:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last there is the faint rumble of a distant protest movement against this vicious and nasty attempt to turn law-abiding citizens like myself into second-class pariahs, against whom it will be perfectly acceptable to behave in the most appalling discriminatory fashion.

Yes, count me in - I may bring a few non-smokers with me too!

At 24/1/06 19:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we are too passive, but if a protest meeting can be arranged in Trafalgar Square, I would be happy to attend.

The best day to choose would be the date set for the free vote in Parliament - when is it Forest?

At 26/1/06 18:17, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Count me in.
I expect I'd be able to organise a few people from Basingstoke. At least 20.
If we all canvass our smoking friends and colleagues perhaps we could get an idea of how many people we could muster.
Lets keep this thread going.

At 27/1/06 11:09, Blogger Simon Clark said...

FOREST is happy to help coordinate some form of protest to mark the introduction of the smoking ban in Scotland on 26 March, whether it be a Smoke-a-Thon or other event. If you are interested in taking part please email scot@forestonline.org

At 27/1/06 18:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can count me in for a smoke-a-thon should it be on the cards :-) If you could persuade Johnny Depp to come along then that would be
fab ... who would be the Scottish equivalent? mmm??

At 11/2/06 02:48, Blogger vincent1 said...

great idea a smoke-a-thon, one of The problem I have found is I have not long found this site myself and most of my non-smoking friends and smoking friends and family have not heard of FOREST until now, majority have heard of ASh though, so I am telling them all about this great site, some of whom do not own or no how to use computors but sure I could get a bus load from cambridgeshire if needed

At 17/2/06 16:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the smokeathon can start in Trafalgar Sq. but then move to the smoking room in the House of Commons - after all even after the ban that room will still br going.
It would be great if forest could help set it up, arrange a date etc...

At 17/2/06 23:13, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to make a stand.Us smokers pay high taxes for this small priviledge to smoke and most of us are in general considerate to non smokers. I thought that having a democracy was the way forward but when you have a vote with less than a third of voters who are smokers what chance of unbiased results did we have. This should have been put to a public referendum and not left to a bunch of MP's that only care about how good their vote will look for THEMSELVES!! It seems to me that the UK has become a communist state and our civil liberties are being wiped out.I wonder how many Non smokers drive gas guzzling cars and whether they are worried about my passive smoking of their car fumes.The world has gone mad!!!Drinking is bad for your health, it affects others when they drink drive or want a fight, it runs up huge medical bills for the NHS, it costs billions to police drinking venues,pubs etc yet they extend drinking hours and the tax on alchohol is less than half of the tax for tobacco. This to me is outragous and needs addressing.I blame all the idiots that voted for these chicken livered spineless MP's in the first place. Dot Cotton for Prime Minister...see how the vote would go then :)

At 20/2/06 16:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

count me in, I'll be there banners flying, its time we made a stand for our rights of choice.

At 23/2/06 12:44, Blogger Lost, Lonely and Confused said...

I think a smokeathon is an excellent idea, count me in and ill round up others too. happy too help organise anything got alot of freetime.

At 7/3/06 11:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody up for doing anything in Aberdeen?


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