France delays smoking ban
The French government this week announced it was delaying legislation to ban smoking in public places, and called for months of consultations. Since 1992 bars and restaurants are supposed to have up clearly defined non-smoking areas. In practice the areas are often hard to spot. The restaurateurs' union has expressed concern over the effects of an all-out ban, but economists discounted suggestions it would hurt the service sector.
Source: Scotsman/Reuters (14 April 2006)
The British have for many years taken the mickey out of the French, but it is true to say that the joke is on the other foot.
Why on earth do the British allow themselves to be trodden over by such overbearing legislation such as the proposed smoking ban (and a host of other similar laws that has been thrown at us in recent years)?
Sadly, I think the British have turned into a nation of sheep, quite prepared to follow our leaders over the cliff edge.
Wake up Britain before it is too late and fight for your rights (like your ancesters).
Contary to many Brits, I like the French and being a pretty fluent French speaker I have no trouble in getting on with them.
This last year I took my summer holiday in Bordeaux and some of the hotel staff asked me why so many Brits are moving over there to live. I replied by saying that I could not speak for everyone else but one of the things I most admired about French people was their capacity to ignore many of the rules and regulations and, to take direct action to stand up for their interests, if necessary.
I therefore agree with anonymous and I cannot either, see the French lying down before a smoking ban in quite such an easy fashion as us more docile and easy to manipulate Brits.
Oh dear, looks like Chirac has changed his mind again by today - 28/4/06 - I wonder what prompted that as the bandwagon must be getting pretty full?
Surely, he doesn't think it's going to make him popular as with all that garlic they eat in France I'm amazed they worry about the smell of cigarette smoke at all!
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