07 April 2006

Nurse murdered going for a smoke

A nurse was stabbed to death yesterday as she went for a walk outside a hospital during her morning cigarette break. The woman, named last night as Cheryl Moss, 33, suffered multiple knife wounds and was left bleeding to death on a path at St George's Hospital in Essex. The path, which leads to Hornchurch Country Park, is often used by staff, who have to leave the hospital grounds to have a cigarette. The hospital has a strict non-smoking policy, which was introduced this year. Staff and patients are banned from smoking anywhere in the hospital grounds.

Source: The Times (7 April 2006)


At 10/4/06 14:20, Blogger I am an american fundamentalist said...

Eventually anyone seen smoking will be shot on sight! Thanks to the left wing rads supported by the left wing media and other nuts!

At 10/4/06 14:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The anti-smoking crusade has nothing to do with being left or right. Anti-smokers cross the political spectrum. Ditto, pro-choice campaigners come from left, right and centre.

At 10/4/06 14:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many more innocent nurses and/or patients have to be murdered before this lunacy ends. The NHS Trusts should immediately retract their pious and pathetic rule that smoking is not allowed in the hospital grounds as smoking is obviously not as dangerous as taking a walk!

Once the ban comes into effect here in England, how many more murders will there be before the government see sense - sorry, that is not possible, the words sense and government just do not go together!!

It will obviously be far safer for all us smokers to stay home come next summer or else risk being murdered as we indulge in our perfectly legal activity of smoking. No doubt the anti brigade will just say this proves smoking does kill, they are that twisted.

How many of you have noticed too that nothing has been mentioned on the TV News reports about how unsafe this policy is for our hospital staff or patients. I have only seen one mention in a newspaper and that was a quote from the victim's brother! Is this a cover up? It seems like it to me as the safety issue was the first thing that I thought of when I heard the news. Surely the Trust could be sued for putting their staff and patients at risk. I do hope someone tries it and wins big time.

At 10/4/06 15:11, Blogger wozgog said...

What the hell are you chaps on? You seem to suggest that she was murdered because she was smoking!!?? Clearly she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and was killed by a lunatic.
"How many more innocent nurses...have to murdered..."-lynn, you are a mad woman. She wasn't killed for being a smoker, anyone could have been walking there, anyone could have been the victim in this tragedy. To suggest that the nurse is some kind of martyr for the 'cause' of smoking is insane and offensive.

At 10/4/06 17:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to LBC (10 April), "A teenager is due in court charged with murdering the nurse who was stabbed during her cigarette break in Hornchurch."

In other words, had the nurse been allowed to smoke in a designated smoking room or - God forbid - in the grounds of the hospital in view of other people (or even alongside other people) there is a good chance she would still be alive today - unless there is something about this case we don't yet know about.

At 10/4/06 19:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To wozgog,

I do not think for a minute that Lyn was suggesting that this unfortunate nurse was murdered for smoking and, indeed, was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time. But it cannot be denied that as a direct result of this NHS Trust policy of not allowing smoking (even in its grounds) meant that the nurse was forced into the park concerned.

I sincerely hope that after this appauling murder that this NHS Trust and others for that matter re-examine this disproportionate policy on smoking and allow smoking for staff and patients in their grounds. This is typical of the politically correct insanity that is gripping this nation and will eventually be its downfall.

Finally, to suggest that we are using this murder to further our cause for "choice for smokers" is a total insult - this type of tactic has been used by the likes of ASH and other media in the relentless misinformation campaigns of the last few years.

At 11/4/06 11:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous

Thank you for so eloquently replying to Wozgog and saving me the trouble. Your comments echoed my thoughts exactly.

At 12/4/06 13:27, Blogger wozgog said...

To Anonymous and Lyn
If you are not using the murder of the nurse to further your cause then why is it on your blog?
LOGIC: Your blog is used to further your cause, agreed? You highlighted the murder on your blog, agreed? Therefore you did use the murder of the nurse in an attempt to further your cause. I Don't see how you can claim otherwise.
Also, banning health staff from smoking on hospital premises is clearly sensible and in proportian to the risks of passive smoking, generally clean atmosphere, etc. even outside.
This 'political correctness gone mad' argument has become a very tiresome cliche, and is trotted out whenever people run out of a valid argument.

At 12/4/06 17:35, Blogger Simon Clark said...

Dear Wozgog, the murder of nurse Cheryl Moss is on our blog because it appears, from what has been reported, that had she not been forced to smoke away from the hospital grounds Cheryl Moss would still be alive today. For this reason it's a smoking-related story and fully justifies inclusion on this blog whose purpose is to generate debate about smoking-related issues.

Nor are we the only people to draw such a conclusion about Moss's death. In today's Daily Mirror columnist Sue Carroll writes: "There is absolutely no doubt that had murdered nurse, Cheryl Moss, not been forced to walk hundreds of yards away from St George’s Hospital in Hornchurch, Essex, for a cigarette she would be alive today."

At 13/4/06 02:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forest Online - the definitive appraisal - thanks. Wozgog will be uncomfortable with it,but we all know the awful truth. Sorry wozgog, but there we are - and smokers in general will continue to smoke outdoors (ie outside the doorway ) because it is a legal activity, soon to be restricted, but only by the proposed health laws. Any further restrictions - aka loony puritan NHS policies - will be just that -policies. The public expects, that those responsible for managing our institutions,will abide by the law and not go off at a tangent. How in the future, can we take any notice of a policy which fails, even to be lawful ?

At 13/4/06 13:49, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wozgog - you blabber on about clean atomosphere, if clean atomosphere is what you want you are fighting the wrong cause you need to be with the Green party and look to banning all motorised vehicles as it is these that cause the pollution, not tobacco smoke, even bonfires cause more pollution than cigarettes.

Of course, if you were to get all vehicles banned, then we would be back to the horse and the sail boat, so no luxury holidays abroad, or cultural days out for the family, it would just take too long, unless you lived on the doorstep of an attraction.

Get real, research the facts and wake up to the fact that you and other anti smokers have been conned big time.

For an interesting insight to some of the FACTS about smoking and nicotine, try this link www.lcolby.com - assuming you take enough time off your high horse that is - it makes very interesting reading.


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