Smokers "admit habit is anti-social"
Three in four smokers admit their habit is anti-social, according to a study out yesterday. One in five said they felt guilty about their addiction and the same amount believe smoking is not the done thing any more. But the study, for the NHS Smoking Helpline, found that 53 per cent still smoked in the same room as non-smokers.
Source: Daily Record (29 March 2006)
Yet more worthless studies and propoganda. Will they never tire of this rubbish. All paid for of course out of NHS funds. Pathetic.
The conductor of this whole anti orchestra needs his baton broken and rammed where the sun don't shine.
Note that the 'study' was conducted by the NHS Helpline - that exists to receive calls from people who wish to give up smoking.
Is it any surprise then that such people will say their habit is anti-social.
The real problem for anti-smokers is that smoking is a social activity and has been for many hundreds of years. Let's face it, do most anti-smokers strike you as being the type of people you would want to spend a night out with?
Claire, paranoia about smoking isn't a recent thing. Ever since tobacco was brought to this country there has been a battle between consumers (smokers) and puritans (antismokers). There has been a regular ebb and flow of opinions, attitudes and legislation over the past 400 years, so don't be too downhearted about the current wave of extreme puritanism in the western world.
Without any current global conflict, our politicians and other establishment figures have nothing better to do than interfere with the fundamental pleasures of the population. They can't help it, they just can't stand to see people enjoying life outside the sphere of political control. So they take the opportunity to settle a few scores, spitefully imposing their wimpish and hysterical hypochondria on those of us whom they view as subversives.
Provides a potted history of tobacco. You will find that there is nothing new about today's anti-smoking movement. History shows that attempts at prohibition have always failed.
This one will inevitably fail too.
Just give it time.
Study by the NHS Smoking Helpline? If the grossly distorted figures from other NHS funded reports such as ETS and the like are anything to go by, then the figures from this study are obviously a complete fairytale, in fact Jack and the Beanstalk is more believable!
They can't even successfully support people who do want to give up smoking!
Apparently, people who want to give up are only supposed to need help and support during normal office hours, the rest of the time they are expected to be ok - if they are not there is no-one available to help them.
Alchoholics and drug addicts get more help than smokers.
I have no intention of giving up now or in the future and it is obvious to me that the government do not really want people to give up because it would cost them too much in lost revenue. This point is further proven by the fact that the NHS Helpline is only available for a few hours each day.
My information, by the way, comes from a personal friend who is also a registered nurse and has tried the Stop Smoking Helpline service herself and found it so useless. She also tells me that if you 'sin' and have a smoke then you are off the course and cannot get back on it for 6 months. Great help that is!
Of course, with all the money the NHS are spending trying to scare us to death with ridiculously over the top TV advertising that I for one do not take in the least bit seriously, it is not surprising it can't run an efficient and effective help service.
More negative stats. These Govt. Propapanda people are running out of control. I was so appalled by the last TV 'ad', that I complained in strong terms to Ofcom. I hope that lots of you did. This is getting really insidious - and I think that there ought to be firm
condemnation of it.
I only hope that the latest cuts in NHS staff includes these completely useless and non-productive propagandists
I will not be bullied or coersed by these state propagandists into quitting. If I quit at any time in the future, it will a decision purely of my own making and probably due to the cost and lack of access to duty free.
I resent paying such exorbitant tax on something I enjoy to finance yet another New Labour control order on what I can and cannot do. I despair at the lack of backbone in the British character and simply tell our politicians to snuff this legislation where the sun does not shine.
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