Scotland begins pub smoking ban
A ban on smoking in public places - including bars and restaurants - has come into effect in Scotland. It is being hailed as a step forward for health but critics say it will cost jobs and infringe human rights. First minister Jack McConnell said this was Scotland's "largest single step to improve its health for generations" and a day of pride for the nation.
Source: BBC News (26 March 2006)
Fair thee well then, Land of the Brave.
We'll see you in Hell next summer!
I have a friend, who, like myself, is a smoker. He is self-employed. He has a workshop that only he works in. No one, but no one, visits hs place of work. Because it is an enclosed area he is forbidden to smoke. Now where is the logic in this?
'S mor an trua e sin. Hope to visit Sotland again someday when you've brought your politicians to their senses. Vote them out!
France is the place to go on holiday. They tried a smoking ban a couple of years ago & the police showed their contempt by all lighting up so it was thrown out straight away. They won't stand anything they don't agree with. You have to hand it to them - they go on strike and stick to it until they get what they want. Incidently, France is the longest-lived nation in Europe & the heaviest smoking.
I wish to extend my deepest condolences to fellow smokers in Scotland regarding your public ban.
Just who do these people think they are????? It’s nothing short of a disgrace that McConnell and his band of do-gooder half wits are allowed to get away with a blanket ban.
In what is supposed to be a ‘free’ country it is surely up to the owners/licencees of pubs as to whether they have a smoking or non-smoking establishment.
No-one could have any objection to premises clearly stating their policy outside their front door so even the non-smoking whingers need not even step foot inside any ‘den of iniquity’ in error.
This blatant discrimination against smokers has to be stopped with immediate effect!!!
As a quite heavy smoker I now have to stay at home with a carry out while my local club goes down the drain.
This is the first time since the poll tax that we have no choice in the matter. Even the pub owner who bought and paid for the place is being denied the chance to put in smoking and non smoking areas,
but as usual it'll be the normal working guy who gets punished.
As a smoker I agree there should be no smoking near food but this time they have gone too far
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